2's Class

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Constructive Playtime/ Mitzvot Week

Lighting Shabbat candles is a Mitzvah. Shabbat candles were set out on the table to inspire the Yeladim's manipulating of the play dough..

Ayelet and Peretz were preparing lots of dishes of oatmeal and serving it to all their friends. Although the sensory table is not in the same area as the kitchen, through imagination and cooking representation the physical distance became no barrier!

Gabey and Yakir built a road for the cars and trains to ride on collaboratively. It was wonderful to observer the interactions!

David enjoys playing with magnets.

Ayelet spilled her drink accidentally and independently wiped it up.

The Yeladim loved hearing and seeing the 'story' behind the Mitzvah they did. Watching the Yeladim's expressions was so special! Each one felt an overwhelming feeling of doing the 'right thing' which feels better than anything else in the world! As adults, we can definitely relate to the most rewarding feeling even more than any other desire is that feeling of accomplishment when we  do the right thing/help out another. I felt lucky to bring that feeling to each of the Yeladim.

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