2's Class

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

5 Senses

The Rosemary play dough smelled so good that some Yeladim even licked it!

Ayelet is 'Tea Painting' inspired by the sense of smell and taste. Ayelet commented, "it smells GREAT!"

Peretz is passing the tea paint to Tzemach so he could get a turn to paint too.

Tefillah Circle: Our Tefillah Circle has gotten progressively louder each day as the Yeladim chimed in and sang along. It is amazing to see how much they have grown and learned!

David is tasting the cucumbers at snack.

After Gabey took some snack on his plate he passes the oranges to Yakir.

Last Day of Camp Celebration

What a wonderful summer we spent together! Enjoy the rest of your summer and looking forward to seeing everyone back again for a great year together at Preschool of the Arts! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

5 Senses

Gabey is touching the smooth rock. Gabey picked it up and said 'Rock!' 

Chayale is filling and spilling the beans. What an interesting texture.

Ella is listening to the sea shell.

Peretz is using his sense of sight to watch the colors of paint mix.

Ella is using her jar of mixed colors to paint on the mirror.

Ella noticed her reflection in her painting. What an amazing moment!


Thank you to the Cohen family for being the 'Fruit Family' this week! Snack was a wonderful time to delight our senses.
Chayale smelled the clementine.

Eden is feeling the texture of the peel. Glossy yet a bit bumpy. Mostly the Yeladim noticed the feeling of the temperature of the fruit - 'cold!'

As Peretz was eating his snack - veggi sticks he commented 'It makes a noise.' Peretz was using his ears - sense of LISTENING.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Constructive Playtime/ Mitzvot Week

Lighting Shabbat candles is a Mitzvah. Shabbat candles were set out on the table to inspire the Yeladim's manipulating of the play dough..

Ayelet and Peretz were preparing lots of dishes of oatmeal and serving it to all their friends. Although the sensory table is not in the same area as the kitchen, through imagination and cooking representation the physical distance became no barrier!

Gabey and Yakir built a road for the cars and trains to ride on collaboratively. It was wonderful to observer the interactions!

David enjoys playing with magnets.

Ayelet spilled her drink accidentally and independently wiped it up.

The Yeladim loved hearing and seeing the 'story' behind the Mitzvah they did. Watching the Yeladim's expressions was so special! Each one felt an overwhelming feeling of doing the 'right thing' which feels better than anything else in the world! As adults, we can definitely relate to the most rewarding feeling even more than any other desire is that feeling of accomplishment when we  do the right thing/help out another. I felt lucky to bring that feeling to each of the Yeladim.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Constructive Playtime - Mitzvot Week

Tzemach: "Could you open for me." Unfortunately the I tried but was unsuccessful at 'opening the corn.'
 Gabey is rolling out the dough for his Aleph Bet cookie.
Eden is docrating the cookies with sprinkles.

 We had so many wonderful helpers to bring the pan to the kitchen.

Peretz: 'Its soooo big. Its bigger than me!'

Fruit at Snack

Thank you to the Winoker family (Gabey) for being the 'Fruit Family' this week and bringing in a variety of fruit and veggies! At first glance when the Morah showed the fruit to the Yeladim Tzemach and David said 'apple.' Then when it was cut open they stopped saying apple. The seed was definitely a telling point for Peretz, it did not look like apple seeds.
Tzemach and Peretz are touching the pit. Peretz: "It hurts me." He was referring to the texture of the pit -not smooth.

David pushed it away and said 'No,no no.' Apparently he did not like the feel of it either.

(It was a peach!)
