2's Class

Friday, May 9, 2014

What happened to the caterpillars?

When the Yeladim arrived at school and took a peek at the caterpillars....
Binyamin: "They're not moving anymore!"
They certainly were not! We looked into the books about caterpillars and learned that they were now in a chrysalis stage.

Zev showing Binyamin the Dad caterpillar he made from playdough and the kid caterpillar.

All the Yeladim helped the caterpillars to go into their chrysalis stage where they hang from a leaf utnil they are ready to come out....

As the Yeladim observed the new stage the caterpillars were in they drew pictures of what they saw.

Zev explaining his drawing.

It was a very long word to spell! As we sounded it out each of the Yeladim helped to find the letters.

Singing a song and acting like the caterpillars in their chrysalis stage.

Sequncing the three stages of the caterpillar that the Yeladim observed first hand!

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