2's Class

Thursday, May 1, 2014



The conversation when the Yeladim saw the caterpillars:
Zev: Cactus bugs!
David: They're cute!
Zev: They're spiky caterpillars....come from cactuses
Binyamin: What they doing?
Shmuli: Its moving
Zev: That one is moving! See they ARE caterpillars

The Yeladim gathered the books about caterpillars from the reading center. There was a lot of great information! The book sparked some more great conversation. We read how caterpillars have strong jaws for eating....
Shmuli: Maybe they hungry
Zev: Bug food
It's using his strong jaws to eat... he's eating the food! That's cool! His jaws are cool! You are cool!

After reading each fact the Yeladim observed the caterpillars to understand the new information.
Zev: Let's name them! Strong Jaws!
Binyamin: Catterpilli
Shmuli: A bug
Zev: I want to show them our new game!
Morah: Do you think they can play it?
Zev: Well they can watch me
(Below is the game Zev wanted to show the caterpillars)
The Yeladim are showing the caterpillars their game.


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