2's Class

Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspiration from 'The Carrot Seed'

After reading 'The Carrot Seed' the Yeladim wanted to plant and observe how carrots grow.We decided we would try to grown carrot tops. The next day all the Yeladim brought in carrots. Shmuli brought in a parsnip which should be a nice variable to our experiment.

Zev is watering the cotton before placing the carrot and parsnip tops on it.

Can't wait to note and document the progress next week!

Questions and more in depth study about our butterflies

As the Yeladim interacted with all sorts of insect and their playdough conversation about where our butterflies (that we let out) are and what they are doing. Some questions the Yeladim had were:
Where do they sleep?
What are they eating?
Morah brought in some pictures of real life butterflies to answer the Yeladim's questions.
Below Zev is demonstrating with a leaf he made from the playdough the butterfly hanging from it upside down while resting.

 Then the Yeladim picked out of about 40 different kinds of butterflies which one they wanted to replicate out of clay.

After letting our butterflies airdry for two days they Yeladim were ready to start the painting part. Each of the Yeladim reffered back to the butterfly he chose to replicate to examine what colors it had on it.

Binyamin is mixing some colors to come up with and orange color that is on his butterfly.


After all the research about the butterflies and insect's habitats the Yeladim went outside to collect items that would make the insects and butterflies feel comfortable and happy with all of their needs met. They collected grass, leaves, flowers - for the butterflies to drink nectar from, rocks, twigs.....

 Insects happy at last!
 They even brought in some live insects!
 Then two insects started 'stinging'.... Binyamin decided he would help treat any bee stings or mosquito bites :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nature walk inspires nature project

The Yeladim went on a nature walk paying attention to all the beautiful things that have bloomed all 
around them.

We tried to capture the rebirth of Spring in our classroom through mod podge pedals and all sorts of flowers and leaves collected on our nature walk onto picture frames.

From caterpillar to......BUTTERFLY!

How pleasantly surprised were the Yeladim to find that over the weekend one of the chrysalis became a butterfly!

The Yeladim observed it and then decided they wanted to let it fly away outside.
First they each 'pet it' and then we let it go!

The metamorphosis of our caterpillars into butterflies inspired us to make our own butterflies.
The Yeladim looked at each ingrediant and focused on the first letter, made its sound and then connected it to the recipe.

They measured, poured, counted and spooned in all the ingredients.

The butterflies they made out of the dough were very detailed.

Truck Day

Safeway truck.
After the Yeladim finished the man offered them apples.

The Yeladim enjoyed the spacious State Trooper. The cop explained that these are unique trucks that carry about 13 officers inside. It is bullet proof because it is only used in special circumstances when G-d forbid they are trying to catch someone who is dangerous.

The Recycling car. 

The well known Ice Cream truck!

Friday, May 9, 2014

To all those mothers who invest so much in educating and raising wonderful children HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

The Yeladim have been caring for your plants for two weeks making sure it has the sun and water it needs. This is your Yeladim doing something that shows they can now begin to care for others because of the wonderful giving and example you set.

Decorating the flower pots. - The Yeladim used white and red to decorate their flower pots and as they did some beautiful shades of pink emerged!

What happened to the caterpillars?

When the Yeladim arrived at school and took a peek at the caterpillars....
Binyamin: "They're not moving anymore!"
They certainly were not! We looked into the books about caterpillars and learned that they were now in a chrysalis stage.

Zev showing Binyamin the Dad caterpillar he made from playdough and the kid caterpillar.

All the Yeladim helped the caterpillars to go into their chrysalis stage where they hang from a leaf utnil they are ready to come out....

As the Yeladim observed the new stage the caterpillars were in they drew pictures of what they saw.

Zev explaining his drawing.

It was a very long word to spell! As we sounded it out each of the Yeladim helped to find the letters.

Singing a song and acting like the caterpillars in their chrysalis stage.

Sequncing the three stages of the caterpillar that the Yeladim observed first hand!