2's Class

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Update on the Purim happenings with the Yeladim

Zev is looking at his name under his picture and finding the Alphabet letters that spell his name.

As we listened to the sounds of each of the Yeladim's graggers the Yeladim started categorizing the sounds: Which gragger made the most noise down to the quietest one. Leading up to Purim - all the sound exposure and exploration analyzing sound it seems the Yeladim have started to pay close attention to the sounds they hear.

 This time as we read the Purim story ( in our palace of course) When Morah would mention Haman's name the Yeladim would shake their graggers!
 As you have read up in the hand out that was sent home today attached to the new Mitzvah notes, Mordechai loved to learn Torah and do the things that would make G-d happy. For the Yeladim at this point in thier lives the concept of learning Torah is all about Aleph Bet since that is what they saw for themselves is inside the Torah! So Mordechai is holding a scroll that the Yeladim filled up with Aleph Bet stickers.
 The Yeladim also practiced their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination as they squeezed the glue onto the spot they intended to glue the scroll and Mordechai's Kippa.
 Notice the concentration.
 Then the Yeladim filled their very own Graggers to use in the classroom and then take home to use for Purim! ( We have named the Graggers I spy Graggers and when the Yeladim take them home next week they will explain to you how it works.)
 Spooning in the rice.

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