2's Class

Thursday, March 27, 2014


As the Yeladim have been learning about the Jewish people working hard to build pyramids in Egypt due to King Pharoah's demands, they have infiltrated all the classroom centers.
The blocks were moved to the 'work area' where the pictures of the Pyramids the Yeladim created last week are hanging. Seeing these triangle shaped structures encourages the Yeladim to build similar looking structures. An important difference is that the blocks will be 3d structures. As the Yeladim worked collaboratively to build them they seemed to get high and wide but without that 'triangle look.' Zev said, 'I've got an idea!' He found the triangle shaped blocks and placed them on top. :) A creative solution.

The Yeladim tried creating pyramids out oif sand. But the sand kept on slipping down. How did the Jewish people in Egypt make bricks? It was a very thick hard mixture of 'cement' water and sand etc. So the Yeladim added water to the sand. This made it easier to build with. Yet the Yeladim noticed it became considerably heavier! We tried to imagine how hard it must have been for the Jewish people to have mixed and made their own bricks.
 After looking through books and finding pictures of Charoset, which looks similar to the brick color the Yeladim tried to make their own 'edible' cement mixture. Shmuli brought in an ingredient but we needed to open it! What was inside?

It was very tough to open it. This made us even more curious!


'A nut!'

Binyamin brough it apples and grape juice. The Yeladim helped peel the apple and then we cut it up. Each of the Yeladim added a little grape juice too. 

It was exciting to have made it!

Now for the tasting: Binyamin, "I don't like it. Its not yum." It seemed Binyamin summed up how all the Yeladim were feeling about it.

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