2's Class

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Drop Of Paint

We learned about primary colors:
Red, Blue and Yellow. 

We were wondering how other colors are made...
We did an experiment.

We had 6 cups full with water.

Each one added a drop of food color into 3 different cups. 

We put inside the cups a paper towel and waited.

We were so excited to see the paint runs into
 the clear cups of water and created a new color.

We saw how Orange came from Yellow and Red....

Riva and Mendel were building a townhouse
 and in each floor someone else is living:

Riva: " Tatty".
Mendel: " Baby".

Next the Bonfire...

We were covering the potato with aluminum
 foil and put them into the fire to roosted.

We had a great time around the Bonfire.

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