2's Class

Friday, May 31, 2019

Our Last Shabbat Together

 It's our last Shabbat today with our whole school,
 and with our friends in class.

we celebrated the whole day ...

We loved to hold our friends hand.

Made soup for Shabbat.

Shared the Challah and made the Brachah. 

The children kept celebrating and were busy in the kitchen.

Zalman set the Shabbat Table checked what was missing.

Mendel baked Challah and shared it with Riva and Zalman.
Riva made a yummy meal for Shabbat and
 didn't forget to cover the pot with the lid.

Our last Shabbat train out of the station.

In class everyone helped to make our last Shabbat memorable.

Shabbat Shalom Chaverim :)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Surprise... Surprise...

The foam on the table was so attractive, and the children
 were playing in different ways.

Zalman flattened the " dough" to a big chocolate chips cookie.

Riva added chocolate chips on top.

Zalman made "a bottle of milk " to feed the baby.

Congratulation and Mazal Tov to Kagan family on the new Baby girl.

 Zalman asked Mendel so nicely to come and play with him .

Today we had the children guess what was hiding inside:
Riva said: "Candles".
Mendel said: " Shabbat candles , Torah".

We know the Torah is a present from "Hashem" 
and we all felt it and were so gentle on touching it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Celebrating 3 With Friends

 I don't know , but i have been told
 that someone here is 3 years old now.

Everyone was ready and happy to made
 a birthday present for the birthday boy.

We were wondering who is turning 3 today?!

We finally found him ... It's Mendel.
We knew because he was wearing a Tzizit.

Everybody was excited to see the present we made for him.

Mendel invited friends to dance with him.

1,2,3,.... and one more for next year.

We ate yummy cupcakes.

A moment before Ima goes she read a story for us.

More moments from our day

Look what I made...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tissue Paper And Water

Our next holiday is Shavuot .

The children focused on the shape of the Torah
 and what is inside. 

Zalman painted the Torah with special colors:
Silver, Blue , Light Blue and White.


We looked at our Hebrew letters and used
 tissue paper and water to decorate them.
We put them to dry.

An imaginary play:

Zalman and Rafi made a  bottle for the baby.

We practiced  tossing and catching the ball.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Sitting In A Tent

Shabbat Shalom 

Riva and Rafi "looked at the world from a different lens".

Mendel set the table for Shabbat, baked Challah and blessed it.

Outside ore friends assembled a tent on the playground.
How does it feel to sit inside the tent?

Fun..fun and more fun.

We were having a wonderful time at our Shabbat Party.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Get Ready... Set ...Goo...

Lag Ba'Omer is here and the children knew so much about it.

 Zalman and Riva were wrapping plastic vegetables 
with aluminum foil to cook in the fair.

They also had a lot of fun inside the tent.

We were waiting to start our Lag Ba'Omer parade with friends,
riding on our bicycles.

The children were fascinated to see their friend bicycles,
so many shapes, colors and sizes. 

Get Ready... Set ... Goooo!

We rode our bicycle keeping our safety rules :)


Time for lunch ... 

We had such a great day!