2's Class

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Light and Shadows

Today we looked at light coming from a projector and the shadows it created.
Ready and excited to see the projector.

Mendel places shape on the projector.

Marnie places her hand on the projector.

Wow! It looks big! 

Exploring our shadow!

More of today's fun!
Scooping out seeds from the melon.

Helping cut up the fruit for snack!

Gluing art! Using all things sparkly and light!

Ella mixes the glue and the glitter.

Today's helper is Sender.  He gives everyone a Torah.

Walking to the pool, holding a shape.

Chana holds the bottle down to allow water to enter.  She loves watching the bubbles appear.

Ella helps put out the bathing suits to dry.

Towels and bathing suits drying in the sun.  
We are happy to keep these in school for the week and send home on Friday.

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