2's Class

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Moments during Open Play

'I made a necklace!'

Sender: "I'm making a flower."

Akiva is making bubbles and showing his friends.

Saying 'Shema Yisrael' at Tefillah.
Mendel noted, "We have this at home (saying Shema)."

While reading llama Mama
Ella: "It's a llama Levi."

While tending to her baby Hannah commented, "She needs to sleep."

The Yeladim also painted with blue today like the sky and had so much fun splashing and laughing while swimming in the pool!
See you tomorrow! Morah Esti

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Float or Sink?

Today we did a water experiment:
Does it float or sink?
Ella is thinking...she predicts it will float.

After putting it in the water, she notices that it doesn't float.  It sunk.

All the children put something in the water and we see if it floats or sinks.

More fun from today:
Blue ocean painting.

Hannah and Akiva build a train track together.

The children enjoy looking at the fairy lights.

Thank you to the Weinberger Family for delicious fruit this week.
The pineapple was our favorite, so sweet and juicy! 

All ready for swimming!

Thank you to Hannah's Mom for reading us a story today!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Peek into our Day

Welcome to Hannah and Akiva!
We had so much fun today!
Akiva and Mendel paint with dot paints.

Sender lines up the pegs on the basket.

Chanah, Marnie and Mendel help Morah Esti prepare the fruit.

Levi and Hannah play with the sand.

Levi is the helper today!  Here he gives Chanah a Torah.


Hannah is watering the grass.

Ella throws the ball.

Hanging the bathing suits to dry.

At circle time we are continuing to talk about creation.  On the second day Hashem created water. 
We do a fun water dropper activity, building finger strength with squeezing.
We also talk about where we find water.
"In a pool" says Ella.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Ella!

Today we celebrated Ella's 3rd birthday at school!
Ella shows us three fingers.

We sing and dance around Ella.

Ella's birthday present from her friends.

and a new candle stick for Shabbat!

Yummy birthday treats!

Thank you!

More fun from today:
Helping prepare snack.  The children are becoming skilled at using the utensils to cut the fruit.

Making Challah...with raisins!

Ella and Marnie help bring the Challah to the oven.

A special Shabbat celebration together with Morah Esther and our big friends.

Shabbat Shalom!