2's Class

Friday, May 26, 2017

Making spirals

Today at the playdough table, we practiced making spirals.
Step one is to roll a long piece.  Next is to turn it around on itself.
Mendel adds playdough around the edge of the spiral to extend it.

Sender creates 6 spirals, one for each compartment.

"I will put it in the oven" he says and takes it to the kitchen.

When he comes back he places a gold ring on each.
"It's for my opshernish", he says.

Ella rolls a small ball of playdough...

...and places it in the muffin tray.

Ella brings out her special book and shows me a picture herself when she is a baby.

Mendel makes a ring out of playdough.

Sitting on their circles in Morah Elena's drama class.

Walking like sheep.

Marnie and Lia work together to match the buttons to their correct color.

Ella drawing with pastels.

Hannah and Daniella share the pastels, taking one at a time and putting each back when they are done.

Kayle plays with some hebrew letters.  We went to the Alef Bet chart to see if she could match them.  Here she finds the Chaf.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Creating Mountainscape

The children have been creating a mountainscape for Har Sinai.
Using glue stick to apply flowers and grass.  
The children have learnt that the glue adheres the item to the paper.

Using paintbrush and liquid glue to stick other elements.
The children have learnt to apply glue to the back of an item and then stick it down!

Other happenings:
Two year old giggles.

Sender packs all his babies into one basket.

Flower matchups!

Ella finds her hebrew letter on the Alef-Bet chart.

Ella tells Hannah she is turning three soon.
.  Hannah shows Ella she is two.

Sharing moment:  Sender gives some of his playdough to Mendel.

Kayle helps set the table for snack.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Decorating the Mountain

Today we talked about how plain the mountain - Har Sinai looked.
How can we make it pretty? 
"Flowers," offers Mendel.

We get to work pasting green grass on the mountain.

The children are excited about gluing with a glue stick.

Next we paste down pink and purple flowers.

Now our mountain looks pretty!

Other happenings:

Each child decorates their own hebrew letter.  
We use a branch dipped into acryclic paint to create a splattered effect.

Ella sorts the letters according to color.

Sender asks which is his letter.  He is happy to know it is S.

Lia helps sweep the rice.

Today we plant our little sprouts in the garden.

The children help shovel the dirt.

Cute little flower garden...

Monday, May 22, 2017

A fence Around the Mountain

Today we talked about how Hashem gave us the Torah on a mountain.

Daniella points to a tiny stick figure at the bottom of the mountain. "That's me", she says.

We go looking for a mountian.

We find a mountain Moshe tells us to build a fence around it.

The children help build a fence!

We sit around the mountain...

...and Hashem gives us the Torah!

We read, "When the world was quiet", a special Shavuot story.