2's Class

Monday, November 14, 2016


The children did stamping on mirrors today.

Sender smells the stamp pad.

Marnie sees her reflection in the mirror.

She then takes the mirror for a walk and sees the reflection of what's behind her.

Daniella smiles at her reflection.

At circle time we practice saying 'mirror'. 
What do you see in the mirror?
"Hannah", says Hannah

"Me" says Mendel. He smiles at his reflection.

"Hi Ella" Ella says to her reflection.

Kayle touches her face as she notices her reflection.

"Me" says Sender

"Lia" says Lia.

Our Autumn Art is complete and displayed in our classroom.  The children are taking great pride in seeing their art framed and on display.
"It's pretty" says Sender.
Marnie notices the art on display and points to them.
Hannah points to the frames and squeals in delight.

Hanging up the children's artwork, shows we value their work.  This instills pride in themselves and their accomplishments.

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