2's Class

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hiding and Finding

We read Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin, and the children love the idea of hiding things!  Today we have silver foil at the playdough table.
The children wrap, and then open the foil to see what's inside!

 It's always busy at the sensory table.
We re-arrange our classroom and place the kitchen in the corner.  This inspires the children to play!

Daniella is looking after her babies.

Today we go for a walk outside.

Although it isn't raining there are plenty of puddles to splash in!

At circle time we take out something YELLOW from the mystery bag.

Ella and Sender help tidy up after lunch.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Peek into our Day

Today we had lots of YELLOW things and glue.

Kayle uses her brush to apply glue to the paper.

Marnie prefers the two handed approach. 

Hannah uses her fine motor skills to stick a small pom pom down.

Ella uses her finger to tap and stick.

Daniella holds her baby while she works.

Kayle sits with the ball, legs open to play with a friend.
Marnie and Lia come to join the game.

Sender rakes the dirt, strengthening his arms.

Marnie cuddles up in the slide with Sarah, a friend from the older class.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Feeling Gratitude

At circle time we talked about gratitude.  
For the children to best understand this concept we talk about feeling happy.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Ella and Lia show us their happy face. 

We brainstorm about what makes us happy?
Some ideas the children mention, Mommy, Daddy, Yoni, Pacifier, Trees, Flowers and Family...

The children run straight to their family portraits and point to the people they love!

Monday, November 21, 2016

A Painting Challenge

Today we painted an interesting texture...pinecones!

The children help mix the paint and glitter.

Painting the bumps of the pine cone takes concentration and effort.

Ella prefers to paint the table :)

The children arrange themselves to roll the ball to one another.

The kitchen is filled with busy cooks.  Mendel stirs a drink.
Sender tosses a salad.

Hannah feeds herself soup with a spoon.
Marnie prepares something on her plate.

Friday, November 18, 2016

A New Friend

Today we welcomed a new friend to our class.  
Netanel is Hannah's cousin from Florida and will be joining us for a couple of weeks.
Ella comes up to Netanel to say hi and make him feel welcome.

Rolling our Challah Dough.

The children smell the fresh Challah right out of the oven.

Daniella helps us cook the chicken soup for Shabbat.
We hold hands as we sing Shalom Aleichem at our Shabbat Party.

Yummy grape juice for Kiddush.