2's Class

Friday, June 10, 2016

Last Day of Preschool

Today is a special day, it's the last day of preschool. 
 Ella sets the table for Shabbat.
 David perfects his sand pouring through a funnel.
 Sara, Nechama Leiba, Eden and Yakir play match ups.
 Yakir finds a Y in the word boy.
 Nechama Leiba paints a 'nun'.
 Gabey is building a structure for his vehicles.
 Thank you Yakir's Ima for bringing a special treat for our class!
How thoughtful :) 

We had our Shabbat Party outside today.
 And had some very special guests!

 Children are excited for Shabbat Live.
And very pleased with their portfolio's.
Congratulations on a fantastic year!

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