2's Class

Friday, June 10, 2016

Last Day of Preschool

Today is a special day, it's the last day of preschool. 
 Ella sets the table for Shabbat.
 David perfects his sand pouring through a funnel.
 Sara, Nechama Leiba, Eden and Yakir play match ups.
 Yakir finds a Y in the word boy.
 Nechama Leiba paints a 'nun'.
 Gabey is building a structure for his vehicles.
 Thank you Yakir's Ima for bringing a special treat for our class!
How thoughtful :) 

We had our Shabbat Party outside today.
 And had some very special guests!

 Children are excited for Shabbat Live.
And very pleased with their portfolio's.
Congratulations on a fantastic year!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Finding Shade

Since the sun has come out, we have been noticing shadows.
Here Chayale is looking at her shadow. 
Sara and Nechama Leiba are making their shadows jump!

Today i asked the children to find shade in the playground.
 Nechama Leiba finds shade under the slide.
 Peretz shows Nechama Leiba the shade next to the fence.
 Yakir finds shade next to the house and also under the tree!

Moon Bounce

At circle time we talk about saying good bye to our class; goodbye to our Morah's and friends.  
The children are excited to go to an older class.
We talk about how much they've grown and learnt.
To celebrate, the children enjoy a fun moon bounce activity:

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fencing the Mountain

At circle time we pretend to be the Jewish people in the dessert.  
It is hot and their is no water.  There is lots of sand everywhere.
Moshe Rabbeinu tells us that Hashem is giving us the Torah on a Mountain.
We are so excited!
We find Har Sinai.  Moshe Rabbeinu tells us to build a fence around the mountain.

Thank you to the Cohen family for delicious snack this week!

Flower stamping

Today the children decorated the first letter of their hebrew name with flower stamping:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Flowers on the Mountain

Today the children practice cutting skills to make flowers.

At circle time the children place their flowers on the mountain.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

Butterfly Fly!

Today we take the butterflies outside.
 Nechama Leiba opens the zip.
 We watch the butterflies start to feel the freedom.  They flap their wings and flitter around.
"This is so exciting!" exclaims Nechama Leiba
"Higher" says Gabey, coaching the butterflies to reach the top of the cage.  
 The butterfly flies out!
And flies high, high into the sky.
We wave goodbye and wish it a happy journey.

Two butterflies had wings that were not straight.  Those we helped crawl out of their cage.