2's Class

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Megillah Story

Many, many years ago, there lived a kind and brave girl.  
Her name was Queen Esther.  
 She lived in a palace with King Achashverosh.
 Haman says, "Bow down to me."
 Mordechai says, "No Haman! I only bow to Hashem."
Haman is angry.
He tells Achashverosh that he wants to hurt Mordecahi  and all the Jewish people.
Achashverosh says OK and gives Haman his ring.
 Mordechai gathers all the jewish people to daven to Hashem to save them from Haman's mean plan.
 Mordechai tells Esther she must help.
 Esther goes to the King,
The king is surprised when he finds out that Haman wants to hurt his queen.

He tells Haman to go away
Mordechai, Esther and all the Jewish people are so so happy!

We hear the Megillah story and when we hear the name of Haman we make a lot of noise with our Gragger.

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