2's Class

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Fun!

Beads, toothpicks and foam boards are put out for the children to use in creative ways.  This play is fantastic for building hand eye coordination and beginner engineering skills.
Gabey uses toothpicks to attach foam boards together.

Sarah threads the beads through the toothpicks.

Marnie pokes the toothpick through the hole in the bead.

Welcome to our class Marnie!  We are glad that you are joining us every Friday for playtime :)

Sarah brings a sticker to school today, which inspires sticker play.  
The children then asked to practice their scissor skills. 

Yakir and Gabey work together to build a lego masterpiece.

Nechama Leiba, Sarah and Chaya work together to build a magna-tile structure!

Ella brings the stool for circle time, by herself.

Practicing going up and down steps at outside time.
We see the snow has melted even more.  It is lovely to see grass again :)

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