2's Class

Monday, February 29, 2016

Circles in the Air, Circles Everywhere!

At circle time we drew circles in the air.
 Yakir draws a big circle.
 David draws a little circle.
 Morah Osnat shows us her bracelets which are a circle.
We pass them around the circle for everyone to have a feel.
Gabey shows his cracker and says, "It's a circle!"
Chayale sees her rice cake is a circle too!

Outside in the Sun

Today's weather beckoned us outside.  The children loved every minute!
 Rolling down the hill...
Sliding down the slide...
 Nechama Leiba is plays Mummy and Babies with David and Sara.
Here she is strapping them into her car.
Drawing with chalk...

 Gabey and Peretz find they can do new and harder climbing tricks.

Today's Play

Friday, February 26, 2016

Wheels and Deals

Today the children were presented circular items and pictures of vehicles.
 Using fine motor and matching skills, the children lined up the circles.

Our fun Shabbat Party!

Thursday, February 25, 2016