2's Class

Monday, January 4, 2016

Pictures from Today

It is so nice to see everyone back in preschool!
Playdough is a favorite first activity...

Sara uses a knife to cut the play dough into small pieces.

"I made cupcakes," Peretz says proudly.  He rolls each piece into a ball and uses nails as candles.

Gabey puts two nails into his playdough.  "Look," he says, proud of his creation.

Yakir builds a train and takes it for a ride.

Ella stabs a fork into her playdough and sees if it falls off.

David, Yakir and Peretz help pack away the dot paints by matching the lids to the correct paint color.
Ella helps pack away the toothbrushes today.

David packs his "back pack" with blocks.  He carries it around with an air of importance ;)

Nechama Leiba shows me her family.  She's found each member and lined them up in a row.

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