2's Class

Thursday, November 12, 2015

This Weeks Best

Here are some great moments from the week:

Sun shining, we had a lovely play outside today.  Yakir fine tunes his kicking skills. 

Chaya climbs and gets up!

Ella has mastered these steps by herself!  

Look who feels proud of herself :)

Gabey puts little pieces of dough in the tray.

Yakir fills a raisin container with rice.  "Shake it.  Rice," he says.

Peretz attempts to pour rice using a bowl.  Most land back in the tray.

He then uses a spoon more successfully to fill the container.

Chaya shakes the bells, "makes noise", she says.

Three avid readers sitting together on a couch :)

Nechama Leiba made a "Challah for Shabbos".

David and Sara pack away the nails together.

Yakir tidies up the train tracks.  What a great helper!

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