2's Class

Monday, November 30, 2015

Our Library Trip - Being Thankful

Presenthing our thank  you gift to the Librarians in honor of Thanksgiving.

The Yeladim helped choose lots of new books to bring back to our classroom.

A big THANK YOU to 'Morah Tasha' - Moshe's mom for helping to drive and chaperon our trip. We could not have done it with out you! Your motherly touch was enjoyed by all the Yeladim. 

Minutes of Our Day

Ronny is working on her pre- math skills while she color sorts 'Dreidels'. 

A walk outside for some fresh air and to taste the rain drops.

Thank you to the Kaplan family for being our Fruit Family this week!

'We made a train track out of blocks.'

A Peek into Today

Today we painted with blue and gold glitter!  
Can you guess what we are painting?

Sara helps Chaya take off her smock.

Yakir is making eggs for Dinner.

Gabey lines his trucks in a row.

We took a walk in the fresh air and tasted the rain.

We are counting Chanukah candles!

The children attempt to use their fingers to show the numbers.  
This is great for strengthening fingers :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Apple Bake For Thanksgiving

Today we made apple crumble for Thanksgiving!
The children get right into peeling and chopping the apples!

David puts the knife in the sink without prompting.

The children all follow suit and put the dishes in the sink.

Now we make the topping...

...and mix it...

All ready to go into the oven.  Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Chanukah Candle Matching

Today we did color sorting with Chanukah candles!  Yes, we have started to introduce Chanukah elements into our classroom!

Set up on a tray nice n' inviting.  
All the children give it a go, with some being able to complete the task successfully!

Friday, November 20, 2015

A peek into our day

Morah puts yesterday's red berry collection into water.  
Yakir moves the container and watches the berries dance.

Sara puts her hand inside to see how they feel.

It's always more fun with a friend!

Gabey gets practice using tweezers.

Sara fills the vase with green leaves for Shabbat.

Chaya cuts the Challah.
Yakir "eats dinner". "Spicy," he says.  
Chaya tastes the Challah.

Gabey has created a unique center piece.

Nechama Leiba builds with lego. "A big one," she says.

Yakir and Chaya have found a jogging partner.

Gabey looks through the mailbox.