2's Class

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Our Visit to Hilary's Garden

The highlight of our day was visiting Hilary's garden.
On the way to Hilary's house, the Yeladim stopped to see and smell a tulip. 

When we arrived at Hilary's house, the Yeladim followed Hilary up the path. 

She stopped to show us some plants. 

Then she showed us the way to gate behind her house. 

Once inside, the Yeladim loved running in the open grass
  and of course playing with the toys.

Hilary continued her tour of the garden, she showed
her friends more plants. 

Thank you to Hilary and your  family. The Yeladim enjoyed visiting your garden!

Show and Share

The Yeladim showed their friends their gardens. 

Spring Patterns

Benjamin filled in the pattern.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Meadowside Nature Center

Meadowside Nature Center provided a hands-on experience
 for the Yeladim to explore nature.

 The Yeladim visited the various birds that the Nature Center houses.

Zalman and Benjamin stop to read the sign to
 find out which birds they were looking at.

The Yeladim enjoyed snack outside.


Inside, the Yeladim saw reptiles. 

 The Yeladim stopped to watch the turtles.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sensory Beans

The Yeladim enjoyed playing with beans in the sensory table.

Yakir scooped beans with a cup. 

Peretz poured beans onto his "plate."

Zalman asked his friends if they'd like salt. 

Hilary asked Benjamin to give her some water from the pretend hose. 

Math and Rocks

Yesterday, the Yeladim gathered rocks from outdoors to create a rock collection.
Below are some math related activities that were done with the rocks today.

Hilary and Benjamin  weighed the rocks on the scale.  

Zalman counted the rocks. 

Friendship Time

Dina was using a toy that Donny really wanted.
The Yeladim came up with ideas of what Donny can do.

"Get another one."
"Ask for a turn."
Wait until she's done."

The Yeladim role played asking for a turn with Donny,

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nature Walk

The Yeladim went on a nature walk on school grounds. They collected grass, leaves and flowers.

Then they made bracelets by sticking the collected item onto clear tape. 

Rock Collection

On the playground, Zalman and Peretz gathered rocks for a rock collection.

They brought them inside. Tomorrow, activities with the rocks will be brought
 in which focus on specific skills. 

One Flower, Three Characters

 Symbolic play - using an object to represent something else is an important cognitive skill.
It is linked to reading and writing skills as literacy and symbolic play require the ability of
representational thought.

 "I'm a pirate."

" I have a beard."

"I'm a princess. See my crown?"

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today at School

Peretz made food in the kitchen 

Hilary did insect stamping

Yakir played with a garden puzzle

Zalman painted on the easle

Fruit Seeds

When the apples were opened at snack, the Yeladim looked for the seeds.

Something was different about these seeds. They were already sprouting!

At lunch, Peretz found seeds in his watermelon slices.

The Yeladim saved the seeds and will plant them as well.

Show and Share

Benjamin showed Peretz and Yakir his apple seeds. 

The Yeladim took the seeds outside, placed them on cotton and sprayed it with water.
The Yeladim  wondered what will happen to the seeds. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Counting Ladybugs

The Yeladim were reading a counting book in the library.
Zalman brought over the ladybugs from the block center and matched it to
picture of ladybugs in the book and counted them.

Creative Creatures

The Yeladim used various item with play dough to create insects and creatures. 

Benjamin: "I'm making a duck with eyes. 
This is his tongue. This is the ducks head."


The Yeladim dug for worms and brought them back to the nature center. 

Benjamin and Hilary observed the worm. 

Peretz and Zalman made "worm" paintings with a string. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Counting to Receive the Torah

The Jewish people were so excited to receive the Torah that they began to days
until they reached Har Sinai.

We  too are so excited to receive the Torah that we count
until Chag Shavuot. 

Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice

Peretz squeezed oranges to makes fresh orange juice for snack.