Yesterday, the Yeladim showed interest in making sounds with the whistle Zalman brought to school.
Today, Benjamin brought in items that make sounds too.
He showed his friends a clappers and an egg shaker.
The Yeladim experimented with making sounds with Benjamin's instruments.
Morah Malkie brought instruments too. She showed
the Yeladim her recorder and they loved blowing it.
The Yeladim blew on their hands to feel the wind inside their bodies.
Kazoos were introduced for the Yeladim to be exposed to more wind instruments.
Something interesting happened. Morah Malkie blew a kazoo and it did not make any sounds. She thought it might be broken and tried another but it did not any sounds either. Michelle- Yakir's Ima tried the kazoo but she could not make any sounds as well.
Then the Yeladim tried. Before long there were lots of sounds
coming from the kazoos.
Zalman; "I want to try to blow two."
"The sound is coming from two."
Benjamin tried blowing two kazoos too.
Morah Malkie brought a drum too. The Yeladim took turns
tapping it with their hands or with drumsticks.
The Yeladim experimented making sounds through different actions. The Yeladim
will continue experimenting with different ways to create sounds and music.