2's Class

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Process of Goup Making

Sequencing is understanding how a series of objects, events, and time occur in a specific and logical order. It is a crucial skill which is relevant to all areas in life. This skill gives children the ability to complete a task, play, begin to understand time etc. It necessary for retelling stories and eventually reading comprehension. For children to be a part of a process from beginning to end  is tremendous tool which aids
 in their development of this skill.

Benjamin came over to the table and saw two ingredients - glue and liquid starch and a pan. He said "Let's make something."

The Yeladim rolled their sleeves up. 

They poured the ingredients in. 

It's time to mix. They began  with their hands and
then asked for popsicle sticks to mix with. 

Benjamin: "A rainbow"
Peretz: "Menorah" 

Zalman came over to mix too. 

Zalman: "There's no more glue."

Teacher: "What happened to the glue?"

Benjamin: "It changed."

Teacher: "Is the goup ready?"

A conversation came up about putting the goup in the oven.
Then the Yeladim remembered that goup is only for playing with.

Benjamin: "Challah and latkes go in the oven."

Zalman: "And cakes too."

The goup is ready to play with now.

The Yeladim were a part of an activity with a beginning, middle and end. They experienced beginning with the ingredients, doing the necessary steps to create something new and play with it.   

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