2's Class

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Play Today

Freshly Squeezed Juices

Yesterday the Yeladim showed interest in the sour taste of lemons. 
Today, they juiced lemons and tasted the lemon juice, giving them more
experiences with the sour taste. 

 To contrast the sour taste to sweet, the Yeladim juiced and tasted oranges. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Planting Seeds

To expose the Yeladim to the planting process, the Yeladim
planted seeds today.

The teacher asked them to hypothesize what they think would happen to seeds.

Benjamin: "It will melt and it will sour."

Hilary smiled and shrugged as she opened the palms of her hands
as if to say "I don't know."

Zalman: "It will get juicy."

Peretz: "Up, on the Torah."

A Seed Provocation that became a Taste Provocation

Cucumber and lemon slices were set out on the light table to give the Yeladim another opportunity to notice where seeds come from. The Yeladim  picked up the slices with tweezers. 

Benjamin found something, it was a seed!

The Yeladim were tasting the lemons and cucumbers too. 
The teacher noticed their interest in the taste of the slices and  asked
the Yeladim if they'd like to try some at snack time.

Peretz tried a lemon slice and asked for more.

Zalman said it was burny. He finished his lemon slice and asked for another.

Benjamin asked for more too.

Hilary tried one, but she did not like it. 
To broaden the Yeladim's vocabulary, the teacher asked the Yeladim
if the lemons were sweet or sour.
They responded "sour." 

To contrast the sour taste, cantaloupe was offered for the Yeladim to try. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snow Snapshots

Benjamin made animal tracks in the goup.

The Yeladim played with snow at the light table. 

They lined up snowmen in size order.

And of course, played in the snow. 

Cantaloupe Seeds

Peretz showed his friends a slice of cantaloupe he brought to school. 
He held it up and said "seeds." Benjamin wanted to remove the cantaloupe
seeds and save them for our seed collection. Each day at snack time, as the
fruits are sliced open, the Yeladim take note of the fruits color, smell and what the inside looks like. Often, the Yeladim find seeds which are saved in containers and added to our seed collection.  


As Peretz sorted fruits according to color, he
practiced his math skills. 

As Hilary matched whole fruits to halved fruits,
she was exposed to new fruits and noticed seeds in the fruit. 

Friendship Time

The Yeladim came up with ideas of how to respond if
a friend wants something that you are using. 

Hilary told Donny (our Friendship Time puppet) "Mine." 

Benjamin told Donny "Use a different animal until I'm done."

Peretz gave Donny the animal to Donny.
He was all done using it. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Snow Storm

 A  snow storm was created in our sensory table! 
The cars drove up and down the snowy roads.

Snow Art

Salt was used to create a snowy scene. 

Wintry Walk

The Yeladim bundled up for walk. Outside, it was snowing!
They noticed the snowflakes against the colors of their coats.
The Yeladim felt the snow on the trees and branches.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Snapshots of Our Day

Color Dance

Back inside, the Yeladim danced to songs about colors.

Snow - The Perfect Canvas

The playground was blanketed with a layer of untouched snow.
After much stamping, paint was brought out.

Ice Sculptures

Large chunks of ice, water colors and salt shakers were set out in the art center. After lots of painting and shaking, here are their masterpieces.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Freezing Experiment

The foods the Yeladim chose to freeze were presented to the Yeladim. 

The lemon was frozen and Yakir tasted it. 

Hilary felt the ketchup, it wasn't frozen. 

Peretz enjoyed tasting the chocolate syrup, it was not frozen at all. 

At School Today

At school today...

Hilary scooped ice

Yakir and Hilary drove cars with some fluffy snow 

Peretz cut floam

Yakir played in the kitchen

Peretz pretended to make ice