2's Class

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rosh Hashona Discovery Table

              There are new things out on our discovery table. Peretz goes over to see. His friends follow. 

Yocheved is holding the shofar. 

                                     Zalman waves it. Then he puts it to his mouth to blow.

           Benjamin comes over. "Apples" he says. He brings a spoon from the kitchen. "Let's mix it."

                           Benjamin sees the honey. He asks "what's inside?" He tries to open it.

We decide to open the honey for everyone to see and try.

 Yocheved looks and tries it. Benjamin licks it and asks for more. Peretz feels it. Zalman feels it with his fingers and tries to wipe it. The next day we have honey at snack. We discuss how it tastes and feels.

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