2's Class

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The process of the Palace

In our classroom there are not rules to follow as far as how to make a palace. The only common understanding is to be kind and helpful to others. Otherwise all the creativity, ideas are all in the hands of the Yeladim.

Zev chose the Red material for the floor in front the king.

 As we unrolled the fabrics we ended up with lots of long cardboard 'shoots'. Which the Yeladim immediately tested talking and breathing through the tubes and paying close attention to the change in their friends voices.
 We came up with two guard chairs and a King's chair. Then David added the stool since our King is a little too short to reach the chair :)!

 David did not like the feel of his cape so he decided to take it off. That was completely fine. He enjoyed more of the 'setting the stage' part.
 Zev decided he wanted to be a guard and Shmuli assumed the role of King but he wanted to sit on his chair.
So in our Palace everyone takes their own spots and the guard sat on the throne.
 Then we started talking about the Kings name and his role and that's how we started acting out the Purim story in our new Palace.

Below: The Yeladim are taking Queen Vashti  away. She did not listen to the King. The truth was she was not very kind anyway.

The Yeladim brought our 'Purim Book' and needed to know what the King did with out his queen!
So we continued to talked about more of the story in middle of our Palace. Notice, the Yeladim did not even take their seats!! They were enthralled with the story line!

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