2's Class

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Introduction to the Aleph Bet

A fundamental understanding that was intended to be transmitted to the Yeladim was how holy and special the Aleph Bet are. Unlike other Alphabet letters where the purpose of the letters/symbols is to create words to communicate with others the Aleph Bet is holy and each letter has a life message to teach each individual and not only does it connect you to others but the Aleph Bet can connect a person to G-d.
The Yeladim took a visit to the Shul. They helped open the Aaron Kodesh.

 As the Rabbi opened the Torah, our holiest and most special object in Jewish life they Yeladim had a first hand peek at what was inside the Torah!
Morah: "What do you see inside the Torah?"
Zev: "Shema! A Mezuza!" (Zev remembered looking at the 'Klaf' rolled up inside the Mezuza and noticed the similarity!!)
It was Aleph Bet letters in the Torah! We found each of the Aleph Bet that is the first in each of the Yeladim's names. Then we discussed what the letters in the Torah are telling us. The letters in the Torah I explained were telling us to do Mitzvot. I will be sending home 'Mitzvah Notes' in the shape of Aleph Bet letters and please use them to record the Mitzvot that your Yeladim do and send them in so we can read them!

After the Torah was wrapped up the Yeladim all kissed the Torah.

When we got back to our classroom there was a beautifully framed Aleph Bet chart that had each of the Yeladim's pictures next to the first letter of their name. The Yeladim were so excited about finding all their friends letters.

Then they got to lick chocolate syrup that was on the letter to remind them how the Aleph Bet letters are there to help guide us through life in a sweet way.

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