2's Class

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Aleph Bet cookie cutters

When Shmuli came in today Zev said "Shmuli I made a Shin for you!"
Zev found his letter and made a Zayin.

Science experiment - Color explosions

Baking soda, kool-aid, and vinegar:
We mixed together the red + yellow kool-aid
blue + yellow kool-aid
& blue and red kool-aid.
Watching and listening to the sounds of the chemicals mixing and the colors mixing was pretty cool!
It even smelled good believe it or not! The Yeladim kept on smelling it (I think they were smelling the kool-aid) and that's how we decided to try some taste testing with the color mixing. 

 The Yeladim each put in their 'orders' of which kool- aid flavors they wanted to mix and taste. The Yeladim loved watching as the colors mixed and then excitingly shouting out the new color they saw.

Water color mixing incorporating the letter Aleph

The Yeladim really enjoyed using the water paints today. While observing I noticed the Yeladim's concentration while using the two step water color method. "Look what color I made!" The Yeladim kept on remarking as they painted. 

Show & Tell - objects starting with the letter 'Aleph'

The creativity was great!
Zev brought in a picture of his 'Abba.'
 Finding the Aleph's in all the names of the objects.
 Shmuli brought in a little figure that was an 'Abba.'
Binyamin brought in an 'Etrog.' Zev asked if he can smell it. Then he commented, "It doesn't smell anymore and its not yellow anymore." He was most certainly right! By now our Etrog was quite shriveled.

 David brought in an Arnav - Rabbit.

Mixing colors though soapy suds (Tuesday)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tu B'shvat

First the Yeladim listened to and interactive story with a felt board to understand what we are celebrating on Tu B'shvat.
Then the Yeladim tasted from many of the 7 special fruits of Israel including figs, dates, pomegranate seeds, and grapes. Surprisingly, the Yeladim sampled the new fruits although the look different than what they are used to.

The Yeladim made Tu B'shvat fruit kabobs.

Color Wall

The Yeladim enjoyed sorting their colored items and then placing them on the matching colored pallet. We're excited about bringing the colors into a tactile experience on our classroom walls.

Mixing colors through baking

The Yeladim each helped spoon, measure, and mix all the ingredients to make the  cookie dough.

Then the Yeladim rolled out logs and we shaped them into their Aleph Bet letter.

When the Yeladim rolled the red and yellow dough together the dough turned ORANGE. The Yeladim find mixing colors each time using a different method fascinating!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What does Red + Yellow = ?

As the Yeladim walked in this morning we set up the experiment to watch throughout the day. Red + Yellow ice cubes what will it make?
Binyamin: "They are going to break (melt :)" - that was definitely true! :)
Zev: "No not any of those colors but I don't know. Maybe a color we don't know. Maybe we can figure it out."

ORANGE water!! As you can tell Zev was very excited about the results!

Marble painting/ color mixing

The Yeladim chose out of the 3 primary colors which ones they wanted to mix in their marble painting and then thoroughly enjoyed watching the marbles roll around, mix, and create a new color and beautiful art! 
Zev even asked to do another one :)
 Yellow + Blue
 Red + Blue
 Yellow + Red + Blue....Do you know what color that makes? It made a rainbow of all the primary and secondary colors!

Aleph Bet Magnets and Magnetic Board

This new activity was brought into the classroom to  further the Yeladim's interaction and familiarity with the Aleph Bet letters. As I was observing I was very impressed and excitedly surprised how David recognised the shape and name of each letter as he sang the song to himself and then arranged them in order!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shabbat Celebration: Shabbat Shalom!

Ps: Notice the special guests at our Shabbat celebration - fireman, and local dad :)

Celebrating the Aleph Bet Letters and Shabbat

Today the Yeladim measured , counted and spooned in all the ingredients for the cake.

 This was no ordinary cake! The Yeladim each found their letter on the Aleph Bet chart and then we made each of their letters on their own piece out of chocolate chips! This was a very special added treat to our Shabbat celebration.