2's Class

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fire Safety & Chanuka

Its best not to touch matches or go too close to any fire burning - shabbat candles, Chanuka candles...
but what if we do see/smell fire?

 The Yeladim practiced dialing the number 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.
"Its not safe come quick!"

What if the fire G-d forbid is on our clothing or body? We taped pretend flames on the Yeladim and as they practiced STOP, DROP & ROLL the flames came off...

 Shmuli: "STOP!"

There are too many stories unfortunately with children in fires! We should never know of such things but specifically in a Jewish home when candles are lit weekly... Chanukah time comes around... it is so important to talk to your children about what to do and where to go if there is a fire. Does your family have a fire plan? Do your children know that in the case of a fire they DO NOT NEED TO WAIT FOR YOUR INSTRUCTIONS but rather to run outside the house and wait for you in a designated area. These situations are thank G-d not that often but let us and our families be ready to react in unsafe situations!

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