2's Class

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


For show and tell Zev brought in his pretend Lulav and Esrog. "Hey here is two esrogs!" Zev exclaimed. Morah: What's the difference?
Zev: This one is real, this one isnt.
 Morah: Does it smell? All the Yeladim smelled Zev's esrog and the Morah's esrog to compare them.

Morah Esther: Where is your Esrog from Zev?
Zev: mine is from my bag
Morah Esther: Let's see where this Esrog is from...
Then the Yeladim looked in some books and found "Esrog Trees!"
Morah Esther: Have you ever seen an Esrog Tree?
Zev: I think I only have apples. (growing in his yard)

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