2's Class

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Science & Math Experiment

Blue and Yellow ice cubes were placed in the water table. The Yeladim spooned them into bowls, poured them back and forth, tried to fill each bowl to capacity with out falling out.... As they were interacting with the ice cubes they started to melt.
How is there water in the table I only put ice cubes?
Zev: It turns to water.
 The Yeladim noticed the water was GREEN. Hmmm how is there GREEN WATER? The ice cubes are yellow and blue?
Binyamin: Hashem did it.
So the question still remains. Lets see how we can follow up with more 'color mixing' activities to come up with a concrete answer. 

Sensory snow like experience

I snapped about 25 shots while the Yeladim were engaged in this snow experience (Shaving cream). Captivating their engagement with the activity and thrill were priceless! I narrowed it down to these 6 photos.


For children to truly internalize a concept as many different tactile experiences they can engage in the more internalized the concept will become. Below in another way the Yeladim 'experienced ' Hibernation.
Pictures of animals that hibernate were covered with Chocolate spread. They were hibernating. When it became Spring the Yeladim needed to take off the the chocolate spread - let the animals out of their hibernating places. The Yeladim thoroughly enjoyed this activity!

Zev asked for a napkin and chose to wipe off the chocolate spread. 

Finally the animals appeared and it was quite messy and fun!

Making a unique snowflake - no two are the same

Acting out the Hibernation process

Thank you parents for sending in all the great items which helped facilitate the Yeladim's understanding of Hibernation.
When we all went into our 'den' and discussed how the bear and frog and the rest of the animals were to be going into a deep sleep Zev suggested we read them a book first.
The Yeladim also decided we should cover the animals to keep them warm.

Then the Yeladim pretended to sleep too! As soon as Morah described the Spring season the Yeladim jumped right up!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Animal Tracks

The Yeladim pressed the animals into the snow dough making animal foot prints in the 'snow.' Then we would close our eyes and guess who's footprints they were. The Yeladim noticed the penguin had a very different kind of print and when we looked closely noticed the penguin has webbed feet as opposed to the other animals who have paws.

Zev asked if we could include the other farm animals from our classroom in the snow dough. That's when we analyzed what all of these animals we have out now have in common. 'Fur.' That's why these animals like to stay out in the cold but the farm animals who have soft skin or feathers like to be warm in the winter. Zev said "Polar Bears like ice."

Winter Gear

At snack time we revisited our question of the day:
What do you wear to keep warm when you go outside?
Morah Rebecca showed her gloves, Shmuli showed us his mittens, Binyamin showed us his hat, Zev showed us his hood on his coat, Dovid put on his coat.
That was the proviacation that led right into our Mittens pairing game.

'Pairing' - Math concept

The Yeladim each designed a pair of mittens. Tomorrow when all the mittens are dry the Yeladim will be able to play with the mittens pairing game - finding 'pairs' - matching mittens.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snow dough

Making tracks in the "Snow"

And then a little bit was tasted!

What and exciting find! Whip cream!

SNOW - Observations through listening and watching

It's cold!

After touching and playing with the snow I noticed Binyamin tasting it.

Binyamin: "Tasting Good!"

While others watched and tried some too :)

Shaina also smelled it. "Doesn't smell"

Why is there water here?
Zev: "Cuz its wet" (properties of the snow)

Dovid is smelling the snow.

Morah Esther: "Zev where did you go?"
Zev: "Tried wiping off the wet in the bathroom....It didn't work."
(Zev's hands got cold from playing in the snow and he was trying to figure out how to warm up:))

REMINDER - Please send in Mitzvah Notes

I know. I'm a parent and guilty of it myself. So many times throughout the day I think to myself that deserves a Mitzvah note to reinforce that behavior but.... I forget. Then when I get to the classroom and see the Yeladim's faces light up and how proud they are to be doing and acting in a kind/polite etc. way I remember how important it is for my child and try to keep up with actually writing it down!
After reading Binyamin's Mitzvah note, Zev started a trend with the Yeladim announcing their good choices. It was adorable! Just loved listening to what they had to say!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A visit to the FIRE STATION

Each of the Yeladim gave a high five/ shook hands with the Fire fighter when he was in all his gear so if they ever come in contact with one they should see fire fighters are safe and there to protect us - no need to be afraid of them.

Touring the inside of the fire truck.

Watching the lights flashing!

We were reminded of the number one golden rule when you are in an emergency situation call 9-1-1!

The Fire fighters also mentioned that from when children can talk we need to try to help our children learn their ADDRESS. He said he has a three year old and he is always asking her what her address is. 

Another important thing we learned there is when children hear a smoke detector go off in their homes
'Don't hid you go outside!'
Children tend to hide when they are afraid which everybody knows is not good in general and very dangerous in a fire!

When we got back to school we showed the Yeladim our smoke detectors in our classroom and tried them out so they know the sound and practiced what to do in case they hear that sound.
*Reminder from the fire department to check your smoke detectors*