2's Class

Friday, August 10, 2018

Getting Ready for Shabbat

The children made an underwater themed Challah Bag today. 
Using dot stickers, the children decorated a fish. and then glued it to the bag.

Making Challah.

Sitting outside a hotel.  
From L to R:  Big sister, mum holding Baby Devorah Leah, Daddies with new born babies.

Ido generously gave his friends stickers.

Having fun in the sun.

Lighting the candles for Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Peek into our Day

Today we glued ocean animals into our oceans!

Ido and Dalya used tweezers to pick out the gems.

Rikki and Riva made a Challah.

Dalya cooked food.

Mommy's and Daddy's.

Mayer and Ido helped shovel the sand.

At circle time we sang a song about ocean animals.

Reading time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Gluing an Ocean

Today the children used blue colored paper to glue an ocean.

"We're making a big ocean", said Levi.

"There's a hole", noticed Devorah after stretching the slime.

Rikki and Dalya listening for the sound of the ocean in a sea shell.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Ocean Slime

Today we made slime! 
The children were so excited to help.
We poured glue and liquid starch.

Devorah helped drip in some blue coloring.

Everyone helped to mix it.

At first the texture was stringy, but the children were brave to try the new texture.

After playing with it and adding more glue, we got it to be a better consistency.

Mayer is watching the slime stretch to the ground.

Chana tried many different tricks with her slime today and created many different shapes.

Beach sensory table:

Dalya collected sea shells.

Mayer practicing his scissor skills.

Everyone helped fill up the pool today.

Swimming like octopus in the ocean...