2's Class

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Today's Play

 See what we got up to today: 
Eden chooses the elastic band activity.

Nechama Leiba is putting stones in her playdough

Sara is cooking.

Ella chooses the screwdriver activity and takes it off the shelf with two hands.

David is busy in the kitchen, "Oven," he says.

Yakir is looking outside with binoculars.

Peretz squeezes oranges

Chayale finds her family in the block center and builds, "It's a tall one," she says.

The family baskets have been removed and the blocks are back on the shelf.  
Today the children sort through to find their family members.

A Wondrous Walk in Nature

Today we went for a walk. 
We spotted a beautiful red bird in the tree.

"It's funny" Nechama Leiba laughs, "it has glasses."

We continued spotting other birds and saw an airplane too!

 We passed a tree and noticed buds on it.  We had a feel of it's velvety texture and are wondering why it's budding in the winter...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Bear is getting sleepy...

He is looking for a comfortable cave to sleep in. 

He climbs inside this one, tucks up and falls asleep.  

We sing a song about hibernation... 

Then we practice being sleeping bears. 
See you in the Spring sleepy bear!

Bear Caves

This morning we created bear caves for our sleepy bears.
Have a look at all the gluing we did...


There was much activity at the sand table today.  

Thank you to Chayale's family for the delicious snack this week.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

This Morning's Fun

Painting at the art table.

"I made a circle," says Nechama Leiba.

Yakir places beans on his play dough.  "Flower," he says.

David is fully engaged and perfected his pouring experiment.

Yakir builds a train.

Nechama Leiba and Sara help clean the table.

David puts on the table cloth.

Ella chooses the activity tray with the containers.  She is closing the lid. 

Peretz smells the mint, "It smells like gum."  
Chaya and Nechama Leiba agree that the cream of tartar jar doesn't smell nice.

Friday, December 18, 2015

New Cars on the Road!

Morah brought new exciting vehicles today.  The children used them in all different ways...

Yakir drives the fire truck.

Yakir and Peretz sit down to race the cars together.

Gabey places the bus on the blocks watching to see if it will fall.

Sara tries to put mother inside the open roof car.

"It's too big," says Peretz.

He tries to see if baby will fit.

Cotton Ball Play

The children are presented with a container of cotton balls, a pair of tweezers and an ice cube tray: