2's Class

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

'Wet n Wild' Week

Ayelet is looking closely at interesting rocks and shells from the ocean.
Ayelet: "It DOES look bigger! When I put my nose there, right there, its bigger!"
 Yakir experimenting with the magnifying glass.

In honor of Wet n Wild week there will be all sorts of water based activities at the Art center and around the classroom.
Below, Chayale and Tzemach are blowing colored paint bubbles and watching them burst on the table to see what color it is.

Gabey brought in a wonderful book for 'Show and Share' about numbers and under the sea creatures that all the Yeladim loved listening to.

Ella is counting the fish on each page.

 Eden and Ella are playing in the water table with Gell beads. What great motor skills practice through filling and spilling.


In honor of Wet n Wild week, balls were added to the pools for the Yeladim to observe how the balls float on the water.

Ella does not like to be splashed so Peretz gave her a hug to make her feel better.

Constructive Play Time

 Making Goup.

 Ella is testing this new interesting texture.

Ayelet: "I made a circle! (with the magnifying glass) k?"

The Yeladim are each choosing an instrument to hold during Tefillah Circle.

Thank you to the Joseph's for being the Fruit Family of the week and bringing in a delicious assortment of fruit! Gabey is squeezing an orange for snack. All the Yeladim had a chance to squeeze the oranges and taste delicious freshly squeezed orange juice. What a great way to practice some inner core strength.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Community Helpers - Mail Man

Today the Yeladim stamped envelopes like in the post office.
Peretz is sharing a stamp with Benjamin.

Peretz and Benjamin thought of a new idea of how to use the stamp pads to transfer images - their hands!

Edan enjoyed practicing her fine motor skills through transferring mail packing peanuts from one bowl to another.

It looked interesting so David decided to try it too!

Song of the week:
Toothbrush song
TTTO: 'Row Row Row your boat'
Brush Brush Brush your teeth
Brush them every day
We put toothpaste on our brush
To help stop tooth decay


Peretz and Ayelet created a game in the pool. How to play: Before you jump or throw water you need to count. It was creative and lots of fun!

Constructive play time

Ayelet and Yakir prepared and served food to the Morah, David and Benjamin.

Peretz included his friend Ella by handing her a sand tool.

Tefillah Circle! The Yeladim loved the Torah's and instruments at Tefillah Circle.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Welcome to Preschool of the Arts summer program! - Becoming familiar to know our space and routines.

Peretz and Benjamin are inviting their friend Chayale to the Tefillah circle.

Benjamin is passing the snack to his friend Eden.

For some Yeladim it was their first time saying bye to their parents and we sang a song like this if they got sad:
Mommy comes back, she always comes back
after we play
Daddy/Abba comes back, he always comes back
at the end of the day

Community Helpers week - Dr & Dentist

Benjamin is using his fine motor skills to stick band-aids on the Mr. Potato head because he got a boo boo.

Tooth brush painting! Peretz is doing a two step water painting activity using a toothbrush.


Thursday, June 11, 2015


Cooking offers  wonderful opportunities  for children to develop many skills.
Today the Yeladim made pizza at school.

Sensory Experience -  Working with the pizza dough  exposed the Yeladim to another texture.

Fine Motor Skills- The Yeladim  improved their fine motor skills as they rolled the dough, 
squeezed the ketchup and sprinkled the cheese. 

Science- The Yeladim observed how heat changed the pizza.