2's Class

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mass Exodus from Egypt

At last Pharaoh agreed to let the Jewish people go! Moshe their leader told the Jews its possible Pharoah can change his mind so just take a small bag and pack some food and we gotta go! The Jews packed dough hoping it would bake in the hot sun on their way out...

 What a relief! The Jewish people finally left their slavery under King Pharaoh and were free to make their own choices.
 Notice the challah on the table:
When the Jewish people grew hungry from their journey and took out their dough it did not look fluffy like the challah they were used to instead it was Matzah! The Yeladim enjoyed the change :)

Matzah Covers

After analyzing, tasting, feeling and understanding the properties of the Matzah we needed to figure out somewhere to keep the Matzah at the Seder table. We have been comparing and contrasting the Shabbat table to the Seder table so the Yeladim checked out our Shabbat box and tried figuring out something similar to the challah cover that could hold the Matzah. Below is what they came up with. It is not done yet... stay tuned!

Exercising skills through crafting a personal Hagaddah

When the Yeladim are making their Hagaddah's they are simultaneously talking about its content while counting, cutting, gluing and lots more. Specifically art because it can take longer until it is finished helps strengthen the length of attention span. It is remarkable to note how the Yeladim have progressed in their fine motor control in art.

Seder plate - 'Kiarah'

After seeing the Seder plate in so many different places around the classroom, the Yeladim were very proud to have brought in their very own Seder plates from home!
Right away they were looking at the items in the pictures and comparing what is the same and what is different on each one.
 Zev brought in a really beautiful and special one that his family uses at their Seder.
 The Yeladim looked at the pictures on their Seder plates and added the items into each spot.
Zev wanted to fill up all the spots with the proper item on it.
 After smelling the Moror, Binyamin became very selective and did not want it on his Seder plate.